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体育问答 2023年09月13日 07:41 426 admin





闭幕式时间:2021年8月8日,周五,19:00- 21:30(北京时间)。











1.残奥会(Paralympic Games)

夏季残奥会每四年举办一届,举办时间在夏季奥运会之后,是为身有缺陷的运动员举办的世界性运动会。第一届夏季残奥会于1960年在意大利的罗马举行,此次的东京残奥会为第16届夏季残奥会,于8月24日开始(kick off),至9月5日结束。

东京残奥会共设有三个残疾类别,即肢体残疾、视力障碍和智力缺陷(physical, vision and intellectual impairments),比赛项目多达22个大项,539个小项,参赛人员(competitior)约4400人,来自将近160个国家和地区。其中,阿富汗由于国内的形势无法派遣代表团参加本次残奥会,但是阿富汗的国旗依然会在东京残奥会上飘扬,作为团结、和平的象征(symbol)。

标志和会徽(logo& emblem)



东京残奥链桥会的吉祥物名为Someity,是由日语“染井吉野”和英文“so mighty”组合而成。“染井吉野”是一种流行的樱花品种,而“so mighty”意为“无所不能”。Someity拥有巨大的精神和身体力量,寓意着残奥健儿们克服自身障碍,重新定义挑战极限。

2.开幕式(opening ceremony)



理念和口号(concept& slogan)

8月21日,东京奥组委公布了开幕式的英文版本,即“We Have Wings”,意为“我们拥有翅膀”,展现了残奥运动员逆风前行,展翅飞翔的精神。

东京奥运会与东京残奥会开闭幕式的总理念依然为“Moving Forward”,意为“前进”,蕴含着将前行的能量带给每个人的希望。而残奥会的口号与奥运会一致,同样是“United by Emotion”,意为“情同与共”,体现了人与人之间虽然性格老雹迥异,但感侍唤帆情却能相通的含义。

推迟一年( a yearlong delay)


The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opened yesterday after a yearlong pandemic delay.


The Tokyo Paralympics were postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games opened yesterday after a one-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


3.空场举行(behind closed doors)

由于东京疫情进一步恶化,为了降低感染风险(infection risks),本次的残奥会和奥运会一样,除少数场次的比赛允许学生入场观看外,大部分赛事将会在空场的情况下进行。“空场”即意味着在没有观众的状态下,闭门举行。虽然现场没有观众的加油欢呼,会缺少一些竞技的氛围,但是残奥健儿们会依然拿出自己最好的状态迎接每一场比赛。

“空场”或者“闭门”举行,可以用英文behind closed doors来表示,同时也可以用与其含义相同的“无观众”来代替,英文表达为a ban on the spectators。

4.中国代表团(Chinese delegation)

在昨天的开幕式上,中国体育代表团排在第98位登场,由轮椅射箭运动员周佳敏和田径运动员王浩担任旗手(flag bearers)。

此次参加东京残奥会的中国代表团共437人,其中运动员251人,他们将参与20大项的比赛,运动员们都是来自各个职业的业余运动员,他们有的是学生,有人是农民,还有人是公务员。虽然来自不同的行业,但是他们都有着拼搏向前的精神。中国代表团的本次参赛目标是:安全参赛,展现精神,争创佳绩,传递友谊(compete safely, show good spirit, strive for success and promote friendship)。

旗手(flag bearers)

在东京残奥会的开幕式上,中国代表团的旗手由周佳敏和王浩担任(named as Chinese delegation's flag bearers),他们高举五星红旗,引领着运动员们入场。


5.奖牌榜(medal table)



奖牌榜:“奖牌榜”可以用medal table来表示,table有“排名榜,名次表”的意思,因此medal table可以表示“奖牌榜”;其次,奖牌榜还可以用medal tally/count/standings表示。tally意为“记录,积分表”,count有“总数”的含义,而standings表示“名次,排名”,因此这些名词与medal搭配可以表示“奖牌榜”。


China has topped/led the medal table at every Paralympics since Athens 2004.






On the evening of September 5, the 16th summer Paralympic Games closed in Tokyo, Japan. Paralympic athletes from 163 delegations from all over the world ended the 12-day schedule and completed the competition for 22 major events and 539 minor events. We were reluctant to say goodbye to Paris three years later.

The trip to Tokyo is the tenth time that the Chinese Paralympic delegation has participated in the Paralympic Games since 1984. The total number of people sent is 437, including 251 athletes. They participated in 20 major events and 341 minor events. After 12 days of tenacious struggle, they won 96 gold medals, 60 silver medals and 51 bronze medals, setting dozens of world records, Won the gold medal and medal list for the fifth time in a row. At the current Paralympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation also won the 500th gold medal and the 1200th medal in the Chinese Paralympic calendar.

The closing ceremony was held at 7 p.m. Beijing time on September 5. Compared with the simplicity and richness of the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony highlights joy and joy. The closing ceremony with the theme of"let everyone shine in their own way" and"harmonious difference" seems to turn the stadium into a"big construction site", and the flag bearers and volunteers of 163 delegations become builders. They jointly build buildings. These buildings form a beautiful city. We live under the same blue sky on the same planet and respect each other, Mutual support. In the cheerful music, everyone sings and dances together to resonate with the culture.

At the press conference held on the closing day, Andrew Parsons, President of the International Paralympic Committee, said that the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games had achieved incredible success, each project was so wonderful, and hundreds of world records had been broken. These facts have proved that the Paralympic movement is stronger than ever before. Host of novel coronavirus pneumonia is a great success for the host country. The world will never forget their resilience and respect.

Over the past 12 days, more than 4400 Paralympic athletes have showered their passion on the field, vividly demonstrated their indomitable fighting spirit of never giving up, and interpreted the fighting spirit of constantly challenging fate. Although the Paralympic Games implemented empty competition, the host still organized tens of thousands of local primary and secondary school students to watch the competition. In addition, the event was broadcast in more than 150 countries and regions, and millions of spectators gave the warmest applause to the Paralympic athletes, so that they regained their confidence and realized their dreams in sports.

In the gold medal list, Britain ranked second with 41 gold and the United States ranked third with 37 gold. In addition, at the current Paralympic Games, 63 delegations won gold medals and 83 delegations boarded the podium.

On the day of the closing ceremony, the finals of 16 events such as track and field were also held. Li Chaoyan of the Chinese team broke the Paralympic record in 2 hours, 25 minutes and 50 seconds and won the T46 champion of the men's marathon; In the women's sitting volleyball match, the Chinese team lost 1-3 to the American team and won the silver medal; In the SL4 final of women's badminton singles, Cheng Hefang beat Indonesia 2-1 to win the gold medal; In the wh finals of the men's doubles, Mai Jianpeng/ Qu Zimo beat the South Korean team in two straight sets and won the championship. At the same time, it also locked the total number of gold medals of the Chinese Legion at the current Paralympic Games at 96.

At the closing ceremony, Andrew Parsons also handed over the flag of the Paralympic Games to Hidalgo, representative of the host city of the next Paralympic Games and mayor of Paris, France.

Finally, the main torch tower of the Paralympic Games, which burned for 12 days and nights, closed slowly and the Paralympic flame was extinguished.


1、 Charm of Paralympic Games

The opening sequence of the closing ceremony begins with the story of a boy affected by the Paralympic Games. Boys who originally had different views on the disabled changed their views after witnessing the Paralympic Games. In the whole scene, we see that he is inspired by Paralympic athletes.

Standing in the middle of the battle for Shibuya, the boy's music spread the effect of the Paralympic Games to everyone around him. The Olympic Stadium then erupted in a fireworks display featuring the colors of the agitos logo- red, blue and green.

2、 Japanese flag and National Anthem

Two time Paralympic gold medalist Sato Zhishu, Paralympic swimmer Koichi Sakura, Japan's 100m T37 national record holder iwaki Yuanshu, Japan's youngest Paralympic medal winner Yuki Yamada, Olympic fencer Meinong and Taihe nurse Yamamoto brought the Japanese flag into Huizi in Olympique stadium.

Subsequently, the Japanese Self Defense Forces sang it as the National Anthem of Japan by the children's Shiro choir.

3、 The national flag entered the stadium

As the flag bearer walked into the Olympic Stadium, buildings and flowers began to appear, creating a"city with shining differences". Under the leadership of the performers, the Paralympic athletes were asked to stick mirrors on the sky trees- reflecting the lights illuminated by the athletes during the competition.

When the flag and flag bearer entered the stadium, images of works of disabled artists living in Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture(counties seriously affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami) were projected onto the venue.

Then, we welcomed a great surprise. Miraitowa and someity, the mascots of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, unexpectedly helped lift the clear sky tower and build a"city with shining differences".

4、 Special thanks to the volunteers

Without the support of field and citycast volunteers, the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games would not be successful. Therefore, in order to thank them for their unremitting efforts over the past 12 days, on behalf of all 24514 performers and staff of the Paralympic Games, six volunteers received victory bouquets on behalf of all volunteers- the same as those presented to athletes at the award ceremony

5、"City of differences" is full of vitality

The strength of Paralympic athletes brings the"difference shining city" to life through materials and colors of various shapes and sizes, while performers show their love for their creativity.

This is a kind of"harmonious noise", which comes from a fairyland like world. It is jazz style music characterized by acrobats. With the addition of a group of percussion musicians, the music gradually changes. Finally, when all the performers gathered together, a galaxy slowly crossed the venue, opened a colorful earth and fireworks, and lit up the night sky in Tokyo.

6、 Handover ceremony in Paris in 2024

As the Paralympic flag was lowered with the Paralympic anthem, Tokyo governor baihezo Koike handed over the Paralympic flag to International Paralympic President Andrew Parsons before Paris mayor Annie Hidalgo took over the Paralympic flag.

The French National Anthem Marseille was then played in sign language by Betty mutumalaya.

Next comes the amazing hypnotic choreography art exhibition, with 128 performers paying tribute to disabled athletes. Prone, an artist who developed ALS in 2015, uses his eyes for sports performance and mixed music.

7、 What a wonderful world

Originally performed by the talented Louis Armstrong,"what a wonderful world" is synonymous with the universal message of love, peace and harmony.

By the signature singing of artist Rimi and the wonderful singing of Okuno Atsushi and kshio yuina, the diversified performance of the 62 member cast of athletes and audition singers in the stadium is a powerful moment to remind the world of the importance of tolerance and unity.


Tokyo's new national arena became a sea of enthusiasm again on the evening of the 5th. Thousands of Paralympic athletes from all over the world gathered in the center of the stadium. They created a wave of people and cheered to say their final goodbye to the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

At about 8 pm, with dynamic music, a group of young people with colorful costumes came to them and opened the closing ceremony with youth dance. When the music stopped suddenly, colorful fireworks lit up the night sky, and the actors used lights to spell"thank you, all Paralympic athletes!" In English.

The volunteers lined up in two rows and applauded the flag bearer of each delegation. Some flag bearers lack arms and tie the flag behind them; Some are blind and enter with flags under the guidance of their teammates; Some carry flags with one arm... Chinese women's wheelchair basketball player Zhang Xuemei enters the stadium in a wheelchair, and the five-star red flag is inserted in front of the wheelchair.

Zhang Xuemei, the girl who suffered from malignant osteosarcoma and amputated her left leg at the age of 16, won the silver medal after seven fierce battles with her teammates, creating the historical record of the Chinese women's wheelchair basketball team in the Paralympic Games.

In the light and shadow, a colorful city was pushed to the stadium: Rainbow Bridge, clear sky tower, tall buildings, plants and elephants. This is a miniature version of Tokyo. Chief director Kener kohashi set the theme of the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games as"the voice of harmony", hoping to convey the message that Tokyo is a city shining with diversity. The colors of dancers' costumes and props are also dazzling, and the gorgeous fireworks in the sky make the theme more prominent.

With the"Marseille" sounded, the French flag was raised, and the big screen was turned to the center of Paris. With the music of the French disabled composer Guillem Galle, the performance of a disabled person detonated the whole audience. When the"Paris eight minutes" lens was fixed on the 2024 Paralympic flag flying on the Eiffel Tower, the summer Paralympic Games entered Paris time.

Andrew Parsons, President of the International Paralympic Committee, said excitedly:"the Tokyo Paralympic Games are not only historic, but also wonderful."

When the 12 day covid-19 Olympic flame extinguished, it was not only the curtain call of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo, but also the end of the two games in the past 50 days, the Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Since the new crown epidemic, Tokyo and Japan have been preparing and holding the Olympic Games and Paralympic games.

No wonder the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, Keiko Hashimoto, said on the stage:"the long journey is finally over."

No wonder the mascots of the Tokyo Olympic Games also joined the performance of the closing ceremony that night to share this farewell moment.

The autumn night in Tokyo is cold. Accompanied by pianist gohei Nishikawa, Japanese disabled singers Xiaoxi Weicai and Ono DUNSHI sing the American song"what a beautiful world". The English song is clear and high. Across the high new national arena, it rings through the night sky in Tokyo:"the color of the rainbow in the sky is very lovely, and the expression on people's faces is the same, I saw my friend shake hands and ask: how are you? In fact, they are saying,"I love you!"

The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games are over, and the epidemic is not over, but we believe that there is a beautiful world ahead. As Parsons said, this is not only a closing ceremony, but also the beginning of a bright and inclusive future world.

The lights are on, and the Tokyo Paralympic Games and Olympic Games emblem are displayed on the large screen, with two Chinese characters in the middle:"completion"(successful completion).

Thank you Tokyo! See you in Tokyo!






















《光明日报》( 2021年09月06日 09版)

[责编:孙满桃 ]













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